Ministry of Education (MOE)
ICSN is licensed by the Ministry of Education of Thailand to operate as an educational institution according to the guidelines provided by the Teachers' Council of Thailand (Khurusapa).
The Office of Private Education Commission (OPEC)
Established in 2011, the Office of Private Education Commission (OPEC) monitors education quality and conducts internal quality assurance (IQA) by visiting schools once every three years using the eight standards established by the Ministry of Education. ICSN submits an annual report to OPEC.
The Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA)
ICSN is accredited by the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) of Thailand. ONESQA plays an important role in assessing the quality of educational institutions at all levels and of all types in Thailand. Its mandate is to see whether educational institutions’ performances have reached the required standards.
US College Board, AP
The College Board in the United States has authorized the Advanced Placement (AP) courses to be offered at International Christian School Nonthaburi. The College Board also recognizes ICSN to be an SAT and AP examination center in Nonthaburi, Thailand.
Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
ACSI supports the establishment of Christian schools that contribute to the public good through effective teaching and learning and that are biblically sound, academically rigorous, socially engaged, and culturally relevant; and educators who embody a biblical worldview, engage in transformational teaching and discipling, and embrace personal and professional growth.